How to Use Essential Oils in the Shower - 6 Delightful Solutions

how to use essential oils in the shower

“Essential oils can be used in shampoo or conditioner, they can be used to create a relaxing atmosphere”

Have you ever wondered how to use essential oils in the shower? I have tons of different ideas for how to use them, and here are just a few. Essential oils can be used in shampoo or conditioner, they can be used to create a relaxing atmosphere, and they can even help with acne or other skin issues. The possibilities are endless! Here are six ways you could use essential oils in the shower today:

1. How to use essential oils in the shower by diffusing

how to use essential oils in the shower

Did you know that there are essential oil diffusers that are made for the shower? This shower diffuser is battery operated, waterproof, and mounts right on your shower wall. Two wicks allow you to diffuse two different essential oils at the same time, and you can use 5, 10, or 15 ml standard essential oil bottles. By diffusing in the shower, you can create a calming or energizing atmosphere, depending on the oils you choose! Some examples of oils you can use are:

  • Peppermint to help you wake up

  • Eucalyptus to give a spa-feel

  • Lavender to help calm and relax

Buy this Shower Diffuser here

2. How to use essentil oils in the bath tub

how to use essential oils in the shower

You can also mix a few drops of your essential oils into bath water. Just add the drops to the tub and relax while you enjoy an aromatherapy session. This is great after a long day at work or during stressful times. This method has been shown to help with pain, anxiety, insomnia, depression and more. You'll feel refreshed from head to toe! *Note- hot water can kill the benefits of the essential oils, so wait until the water has slightly cooled. Avoid getting oil in eyes.

You can also add Epsom Salt to your bath to double the relaxation and health benefits! Here's a recipe to make a jar of bath salt infused with essential oils that you can have ready for your relaxation convenience!

  • DIY Essential Oil Infused Relaxation Bath Salt

how to use essential oils in the shower

3. How to use essential oils in the shower through exfoliation

how to use essential oils in the shower

Nourish your skin while getting clean! Here are 2 ways you can reap the benefits of essential oils while washing your body:

  1. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to your shampoo, conditioner, and body wash for extra oily goodness. Some good oils for hair support and growth are Rosemary, Geranium, Cedarwood, and Lavender.

  2. Use a Wooly Soap Bar infused with essential oils like this one! Wool felted soap bars last longer than regular soap bars, are easier to grip, make a better lather, exfoliate, and are antimicrobial. They are an excellent eco-friendly option!

Wool felted essential oil soap

4. Use them to make DIY bath bombs 

how to use essential oils in the shower

If you love the idea of bath bombs, but don't love all of the dangerous fragrances that are added to them, why not make them yourself!

  • DIY Bath Bombs

    • 1 cup baking soda

    • 1/2 cup corn starch

    • 1/2 cup citric acid

    • 2 Tablespoons Epsom salt

    • 20 drops essential oil of your choice (Ideas: eucalyptus, lavender, roman chamomile)

    • 2 Tablespoons liquid carrier oil

    • 2-3 Tablespoons water, added 1/2 T at a time

    • Food coloring

    • Bath Bomb molds

    • Add any desired sprinkles, dried lavender, or glitter to the bottom of the molds.

    • In a large bowl, whisk baking soda, corn starch, citric acid, and Epsom salts. Add carrier oil, essential oils, and food coloring, then whisk until evenly incorporated. Add 1/2 T water slowly, while whisking, and incorporate completely, checking for consistency of damp sand. At this point, it should squeeze and hold together like damp sand, but still feel a little crumbly. Press quickly into molds and let dry overnight. Gently pop them out and add to a glass jar for use. Makes 6 large or 12 small.

5. Make a DIY Sugar Scrub

how to use essential oils in the shower
  • DIY Sugar Scrub

    • 1 cup of unrefined coconut oil (unrefined does not have the coconut smell, refined smells like coconut)

    • 1-1/2 granulated sugar

    • 1 tablespoon of liquid carrier oil of your choice

    • 1 tablespoon of citrus zest (I used orange and lime)

    • Essential oils (ideas: orange, lime, lavender)

      • Add as many drops as you like (approximately 20-30)

6. Place oils on your body for maximum benefits!

how to use essential oils in the shower

One of the most potent ways to absorb essential oils is through the feet. Especially when your skin is soft and moisturized after a shower. Your feet have many tiny capillaries that will absorb the oils through your skin, so they are an excellent place to put them. Place one drop on each foot before getting out of the shower and you'll feel energized!

You can also put a drop of oil, such as Eucalyptus on your chest right before you get in the shower. The steam from the shower will enhance your respiratory system's ability to internalize the oil, opening your airways and eliminating toxins.

Try some of these today!

One of the most basic ways to use essential oils is for aromatherapy. Simply add a few drops of your favorite oil into water in the shower, and enjoy! You can also put them on a washcloth as an extra exfoliation treatment or mix them with lotion to help make it last longer. For those who want more from their products, try making sugar scrubs, bath bombs, or salt soak by following the recipes mentioned above. Hopefully I have helped you to learn how to use essential oils in the shower more effectively, and equipped you with the knowledge to come up with your own solutions.

As always, the disclaimer that I am not your doctor, and you should use essential oils with caution!

Hope you found this fun and helpful!




9 Common Hot Oils and How to Apply Them with Confidence


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