Raven Essential Oil Benefits and 3 Best Application Methods

raven essential oil benefits

Raven Essential Oil Benefits

Raven essential oil is a combination of Eucalyptus Radiata, Lemon, Peppermint, Ravintsara, and Wintergreen essential oils. It is a chilly, minty blend with sweet undertones, and creates a cooling sensation. This combination of oils provide a soothing aroma when applied to the chest and throat topically. The naturally occurring components eucalyptol, menthol, and methyl salicylate make this essential oil blend a refreshing experience.

Ravintsara is found within the leaves and wood of the camphor tree. This is a large evergreen tree native to regions in southern China and Japan, as well as Taiwan, Korea, and Vietnam. Ravintsara’s gentle aroma pairs perfectly with other essential oils in the mint family, including Peppermint and Wintergreen. The overall smell of Raven is sweetened with a sprinkle of Lemon. This combo creates the sensation of walking through a crisp forest on a winter day.

**Note- due to Raven containing Peppermint Essential Oil, use with caution when pregnant/breastfeeding.

raven essential oil benefits

How to Use Raven Essential Oil

Raven essential oil can be diffused, inhaled, or topically applied but is not to be ingested. According to Young Living's website, for Topical use, dilute 1 drop Raven with 1 drop of carrier oil and apply to desired area as needed. For Aromatic use, diffuse up to 30 minutes 3 times daily. Below are some specific ways to incorporate this oil into your life!

Diffusing Raven Essential Oil

  • Diffuse Raven in any stuffy environment for a fresh, crisp atmosphere.

  • Opt for an invigorating shower experience by diffusing this essential oil with the steam.

    • Check out my favorite shower diffuser here! It turns my bathroom into a spa!

    • Give your lungs a welcomed treat while pushing your body to the max by diffusing this cool, minty fragrance during your next circuit workout.

      • BBG has been my favorite circuit workout for years, for wedding body prep, as well as both pre- and post-baby body!

      • Infuse the whole house with an aroma reminiscent of a breeze through eucalyptus trees.

      • Fight off respiratory funk by diffusing Raven oil while you sleep.

      • Brave the craze of work with this refreshing scent.

        • For a wide variety of styles and sizes of diffusers, click here.

        • Run a diffuser at your clinic to help customers feel welcome and to create a fresh atmosphere.

        • Offer your kids a cooling respiratory experience by diffusing at school or while playing.

Inhaling Raven Essential Oil

  • Apply 1 drop to your mat during your yoga routine to help promote the sensation of deeper breathing.

  • Inhale the bottle directly first thing in the morning for a refreshing respiratory boost.

  • Wear Raven Essential Oil on essential oil diffusing jewelry, to make a statement and reap the oily benefits!

  • Place a drop on your scarf when going for a walk on a cold day!

  • Use a glass jar with a lid and place a cotton ball with a drop of Raven on it. Open jar and breathe slowly and deeply 5-7 times to open up your airways when allergies have you feeling stuffy.

Applying Raven Essential Oil Topically

**Raven Essential Oil contains "hot" oils. Use with caution when applying to skin.

  • Dilute with carrier oil and massage Raven essential oil onto your chest and neck during the cold-weather season for a comforting aroma.

  • Apply it to vitaflex points on your feet as part of your bedtime routine.

  • Fight off the affects of season change by making this DIY Chest Rub:

    • Mix together ¼ cup coconut oil with 30 drops Raven in a glass jar and apply a small amount to chest or soles of feet.

    • Alleviate sinus pressure and headaches by applying Raven essential oil to the bridge of your nose and forehead, dilute as tolerated.

raven essential oil benefits

Incorporate Raven Into Your Day

As you can see, this essential oil has many uses. So the next time you reach for over-the-counter medications, grab your Raven bottle first and give plants a shot!

Happy Oiling!




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Vitaflex Points - What They Are + 6 Best Ways to Incorporate Essential Oils